SPEAKER TEDxBrasov 2017

Raluca Steblea

Raluca Steblea is a former professional triathlete and swimming coach, considered to be a future leading Communications, Marketing, Sports and Branding Innovation. 
She is widely known and a trusted partner in the communications, marketing and sports communities. Her professional communications and sports expertise has enabled her to consult on a range of technology, communications, governmental and sports governance issues with global sport organizations. 
Out of her love for the water and seeing the growing need to teach others to swim safely and to educate them about the hazards inland, and off the coast. She has found and developed a global best practice Swimming Survival Program out of her experiences in water and training around the world. 
Her track record shows that she is successful in both start-up and continuous business phases of communication corporate growth. 
At a glance, Raluca Steblea is recognized for launching Swimming Survival Program in 2010, a worldwide water survival program, from an enormous love and passion for water and travelling.

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